Isn't it puzzling how there seem to be so many
different causes of major unhappiness in the world? Here is
one way to depuzzle it.
The problem: Social Unrest. Too many people do
things to others that they would obviously object to if roles were
truly and fully reversed. They (and those who support or
enable them) are the main source of avoidable unhappiness and
consequently, the root cause of almost every major public
protest. They can even make natural disasters worse!
One possible solution: Such people are not civilized
enough to be worthy of the benefits of a cooperative society so
let's name them and shame them with a new root word! It
could unite most protests into a single powerful movement by
showing how they have the same fundamental cause: someone breaking
The Golden Rule in a big, obvious, and deliberate way.
The proposed new root word, RYR, could make the world a
happier place if and only if enough of us adopt it into our
everyday vocabulary. It's time for humanity to take the next
step on the path toward self-civilization. After all, we're
all no more distant than distant cousins.
RYR (alternative spelling RIAR)
- verb: To decide NOT to do
to others anything you'd complain about if it were
done to you. Example sentence: Truly civilized
people never need to be told to RYR.
- imperative verb: Stop doing
to others what you'd protest if you exchanged
roles with those harmed by your own
decision. Example sentence: Imagine the power of
crowds roaring "RYR, RYR, RYR"
and one-word RYR signs
making the perfect demand at almost every
protest demonstration.
- noun: A decision, action,
or thing that does NOT harm or threaten others to
a degree that those responsible would obviously
protest if roles were reversed. Example sentence: The daily news makes
me say "That ain't a RYR" over and over.
Without a word like RYR, too many people seem to
neglect The Golden Rule when making decisions affecting
others. Unfortunately, to prove that could require mind
reading, but when unGoldenRuleyness becomes egregious enough to
drive people to protest, that RYRish public protest becomes the
proof of incivility (particularly upon the second protest).
RYR neither asks too much nor too little.
RYRism may eventually avert future protests if
demonstrations teach the-makers-of-big-decisions to preemptively
Wouldn't that be great?
Wouldn't it also be great to know that you could almost always
figure out any RYRish candidate's position on almost any issue?
Remember your first reaction to this idea because, someday, it may
be hard to imagine how much unRYRness had ever been tolerated.
Words are that important for thinking itself.
For an enjoyable way to learn how important words are for the
process of thinking, please listen to this excellent ~17 minute
excerpt from the National Science Foundation sponsored National
Public Radio show called Radiolab entitled: WORDS
As you listen, please keep this question in mind:
Can a "think-word" like RYR help with
questions just as other "think-words" seem to help with that
toy-box question?
Near the end, the opening story from the 1 hour version is
revisited to relate how differently one deaf adult perceived his
own thinking had been back when growing up without
language. "That was the Dark Time in his life.
Learning language, it's like the lights went on."
Could enriching our vocabulary enlighten our own rather Dark
Perhaps everyone may someday "think differently" thanks to
That's the way teaching and using the word RYR or
RIAR might be the
easiest way for you to make the world a happier place.
Send constructive comments* to:
riarish_AT_protonmail.com (just fix the "_AT_")
No need to report that this page is amateurish, for it is
proudly and genuinely amateur.
*Better to just take the core idea an run with it as your own!
Make up your own new words if you like!