# |
Questions (Suggested
preassigned Reading/Listening/Construction assignments
are indicated with UNDERLINED #s)
Answer Y/N |
1 |
Have you read the top web
page at https://MobiusBlueRibbon.com
? (playing the audio clips at the bottom can wait) |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Have you read through the
web page at https://MobiusBlueRibbon.com/words
? (playing the audio clips at the bottom can wait) |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Have you listened to the excellent
excerpts from NPR's Radiolab show found near the bottom of
the above web pages and also listed here?
https://radiolab.org/episodes/91725-words |
9 |
10 |
11 |
If an opportunity arose,
would you tell someone who is being protested that the root
reason they're being protested is that they had decided to
break The Golden Rule in some big,
obvious way(s) even if they've been told that before?
(Assuming that is indeed why they were being protested.)
12 |
Do you see democracy as a subset or special case of a group "doing" The Golden Rule? | |
13 |
Does voting for a
candidate who obviously breaks The Golden Rule also break it?
(assuming another candidate obviously breaks it less) |
14 |
Do you see racism as a
blatant violation of The Golden Rule?
15 |
Is it a form of a golden rule violation
to make natural disasters worse by obstructing preparations
before and restricting rescue/recovery budgets after?
(e.g. asteroid/comet impacts, pandemics,
earthquakes/tsunamis, solar flares,
natural-global-warming/cooling, storms/drought, etc.)
16 |
Have you read through the web page at https://MobiusBlueRibbon.com/mobiusblueribbon/ideas ? | |
17 |
18 |
Can you think up a new
question that would be good to add to this class?
19 |
Have you read through the web page at https://MobiusBlueRibbon.com/mobiusblueribbon ? | |
20 |
Arts&Crafts: Can
you apply the instructions in the above web page to
construct a Mobius Class Certificate based on this GIF
image? https://MobiusBlueRibbon.com/class/MobiusClassCertificate.gif |