This class about NOT breaking The Golden Rule in big, obvious ways has been provided by

Prerequisite:  This class is intended for fans of The Golden Rule.

This class is probably most beneficial to pre-adults still in that too-often-too-short period during which The Golden Rule seems natural, obvious, and intuitive.  We encourage taking this class along with other fans of The Golden Rule so each item can be discussed.  Even better, attend a class led by a professional teacher.  Upon successful completion, you can have your own MobiusCertificate. 

The estimated time to complete is 1.5 to 3 hours (perhaps longer with good discussions or shorter with pre-assigned reading/listening), but future versions are expected to become longer.  So take it now while it's easy* and shorter!
* Only 14 correct Yes/No answers are needed to qualify for a certificate! (...for now, so don't hesitate to skip or defer any tough ones.)

Questions (Suggested preassigned Reading/Listening/Construction assignments are indicated with UNDERLINED #s)

 Have you read the top web page at ?
(playing the audio clips at the bottom can wait)

  • Can you do the hand signal from the above web page?


 Have you read through the web page at ?
(playing the audio clips at the bottom can wait)

  • Do you now have at least one word to your vocabulary for the decision-making act of deciding AGAINST doing to others what you would NOT want done to yourself?

    • Can you combine your favorite root word for the above concept with a prefix OR a suffix and use it in a meaningful sentence?

    • Can you combine your favorite root word for the above concept with BOTH a prefix AND a suffix and use it in a meaningful sentence?

 Have you listened to the excellent excerpts from NPR's Radiolab show found near the bottom of the above web pages and also listed here?

  • Do you think humanity has been embarrassingly late at adding to its day-to-day vocabulary any action-words for the act of deciding NOT to break The Golden Rule in big, obvious ways?
    • Alternatively, substitute the word "embarrassingly" with with "dangerously" if that's easier for you.

 Were most of the protest-worthy causes you have ever cared about caused by someone deciding to go ahead and break The Golden Rule in some big way even though doing so should have been quite obvious beforehand?  
  • Alternative wording - use if it's easier:  Have practically all protests begun to look to you as though they all stem from the same root cause?  (as if they're all the same protest)

 If an opportunity arose, would you tell someone who is being protested that the root reason they're being protested is that they had decided to break The Golden Rule in some big, obvious way(s) even if they've been told that before?  (Assuming that is indeed why they were being protested.)
  • Alternative wording - use if it's easier:  Does someone being boycotted, protested, or otherwise shunned because they broke The Golden Rule in some big, obvious way deserve to be told why they're being boycotted, protested, or shunned?

 Do you see democracy as a subset or special case of a group "doing" The Golden Rule?
 Does voting for a candidate who obviously breaks The Golden Rule also break it? (assuming another candidate obviously breaks it less)

 Do you see racism as a blatant violation of The Golden Rule?
  • Alternatively, substitute the word racism with any other type of discrimination if that's easier for you (class discrimination, age discrimination, religious discrimination, anti-LGBTQ-ism, anti-immigrant discrimination, anti-refugee discrimination, anti-asylum-seeker discrimination, etc.)

 Is it a form of a golden rule violation to make natural disasters worse by obstructing preparations before and restricting rescue/recovery budgets after?  (e.g. asteroid/comet impacts, pandemics, earthquakes/tsunamis, solar flares, natural-global-warming/cooling, storms/drought,  etc.)
  • Alternative wording - use if it's easier:  Ditto for man-made disasters.   Is it a form of a golden rule violation to make man-made disasters worse by obstructing preparations/mitigation before and restricting rescue and recovery budgets after?   (e.g.  nukes, bioweapons, environmental poisoning/depletion, man-made-global-warming, etc.)

 Have you read through the web page at ?
  • Can you think up any new ideas that would be good to add to the above web page?
    • It's not necessary to email your idea to (especially if you want to be the first to carry out your idea), although we'd love to hear from you.

 Can you think up a new question that would be good to add to this class?
  • It's not necessary to email your new question to , although we'd love to hear from you.

 Have you read through the web page at ?
 Arts&Crafts:  Can you apply the instructions in the above web page to construct a Mobius Class Certificate based on this GIF image?

If you answered at least 14 of the above items Yes (Y), then congratulations!  You Pass(!) and if you actually constructed the certificate made as part of the last question above, go ahead and fill in your name on it.  If fewer than 14 of your answers were Yes you still might qualify by sending ALL your answers to along with explanations for ALL the answers of NO. 

Professional teachers and educational video experts are encouraged to create customized versions of all or parts of this class.